Hungarian Folklore Operetta & Budapest Cruise with 4 Course Dinner

From:  91

4-course menu & Glass of Welcome drink are waiting for guests who visit our Dinner Cruise. Our Romantic programme is optional for couples, families or friends who wish to spend a confidential night in the friendly area.

Dear Guests!

We kindly request that you do not bring your own food and drinks aboard the ship.

Rest assured, we offer catering services onboard to ensure your comfort and satisfaction throughout the journey.

What Our Guests Say:

Folk dance show on a Danube dinner cruise

Are you fed up with the usual, ordinary sightseeing trips? Would you like to find a really exclusive one? We let you be fascinated by the capital city of Hungary in the sunset and later the night lights, while you are having our delicious meals on board, and taking part in our operetta and folk shows. Are you planning a birthday or a farewell party? Do you want to surprise your loved ones with a unique programme, or do you want to organize the ideal rendezvous? Whatever you prepare for, our cruise must be a lifelong experience to our guests.

Our Budapest Dinner Cruise with a folk dance & operetta show is the best choice if you are seeking an exclusive entertaining and cultural experience! By the way, this magnificent program can be an excellent present itself, too. You know – things can be lost, go wrong, become unnecessary after a time, but memories live forever. Join us, and you will surely not be upset at the end of the day.

Budapest Dinner Cruise with Operetta and Folklore Show is one of our most well-known and popular sightseeing tours. It is worthily so popular because it is much more than a simple cruise. It is a theater performance in an exclusive environment, and it is an enchanting program package! What can a cruise on the River Danube at Budapest offer to you and your partner, family or friends? An eternal memory! However, let’s see a more detailed program.

We offer the view of Budapest sunset and at night, champagne as welcome drink, a romantic, candlelit dinner, operetta performance, and an entertaining folklore show with talented artists.

Ticket Includes

  • ~ 2,5 Hours budapest cruise
  • Candle-lit dinner
  • 4 Course menu
  • Live folklore show
  • Welcome drink
  • Private table
  • Window table (optional)


Type Boarding Start Price (Weekday / Weekend)
4 Course Dinner 18:30 19:00 €91 / €97
7 Course Dinner 18:30 19:00 €107 / €115
Drink & Show 19:15 19:30 €45 / €47


We know that high-quality drink is also an essential part of a perfect night. Our classic bar provides wine, beer, shots, and cocktails as well. However, if you prefer the drink menu, you can obviously select your drink from it. Do you like wine much more than beer? Or are you a real beer-fan? No problem! One of our drink packages is the perfect choice for you. This offer includes unlimited consumption from particular beverages. For example, if you order this package, you will be served with different types of selected wine from the most famous Hungarian wine regions. You can choose sparkling wine, beer, or even non-alcoholic beverages (fizzy drinks, fruit juices, simple and sparkling mineral water, café, and tea), as well.




Vegan cranberry pecan cheese ball
Pekándiós-vörösáfonyás vegan golyó
Vegane Käseball mit Cranberries und Pekannüssen
Palla di formaggio vegano con mirtilli rossi e noci pecan
Boule de fromage végétalien aux canneberges et aux noix de pécan
Bola de queso vegano con arándanos y nueces pecanas


(Leves, Suppe, Minestra, Soupe, Sopa)

Veal rgout soup with potato dumplings from Nyírség
Nyírségi borjúraguleves burgonyagombóccal
Kalbsragoutsuppe mit Kartoffelknödel aus Nyírség
Zuppa di manzo con gnocchi di patate di Nyírség
Soupe au ragoût de veau avec des quenelles de pomme de terre de Nyirseg
Sopa de ternera con albóndigas de patatas de Nyírség

Seasonal soup
Szezonális leves
Saisonale Suppe
Zuppa di stagione
Soupe de saison
Sopa de temporada


(Főétel, Hauptgericht, Piatto principale, Plat principal, Plato principal)

Black sesame crusted salmon steak with chili-mint pea purée and pea fritter
Fekete szezámmagos lazac steak chili-mentás borsópürével és borsófasírttal
Lachssteak mit schwarzer Sesamkruste, Chili-Minz-Erbsenpüree und Erbsen-Frikadellen
Filetto di salmone in costra di sesamo nero, purea di piselli con un tocco di peperoncino e menta con frittelle di piselli
Steak de saumon en croûte de sesame noir acompagné de beignets de pois et d’une purée de petits pois au piment et à la menthe
Filete de salmón en costra de sésamo negro, acompañado de buñuelos de guisantes y puré de guisantes con un toque de chile y menta

Chicken breast fillet potato purée with smoked paprika and vegetable relish
Csirkemell filé burgonyapürével, füstölt paprikával és zöldséges salsa
Hähnchenbrust mit Selleriepüree, Semmelknödel mit Spinat und eingelegten roten Zwiebeln
Petto di pollo grigliato, servito con purea di sedano, gnocchi di pane all’ ungherese con spinaci e cipolla rossa sottaceto
Filet de poulet avec purée de céleri, quenelles de pain aux épinards et oignons rouge marinés
Pechuga de pollo a la plancha acompañado de un puré de apio, bolas de pan con espinacas y cebolla morada encurtida

Duck leg confit with gravy sauce and fried cabbage and noodles hidden in chimney cake ring
Ropogós kacsacomb kürtőskalácsba rejtett káposztás cvekedlivel és gravy szósszal
Knusprige Entenkeule mit Bratensoße und Krautnudeln in einem Baumstriezel
Coscia d'anatra confit accompagnata da chimney cake ripiena di pasta con cavolo al sugo
Cuisse de canard confite accompagnée d’un anneau de « kürtőskalács » spécialité hongroise, fourré avec des pâtes aux choux et une sauce brune
Muslo de pato confitado acompañado con anillo de chimney cake relleno de pasta con col y salsa gravy

Bacon-wrapped pork tenderloin with grilled potato and red onion chutney
Baconbe tekert sertésszűz grillezett burgonyával és vöröshagyma csatnival
Mit Bacon umwickeltes Schweinefilet mit gegrillten Kartoffeln und rotem Zwiebel-Chutney
Lombo di maiale avvolto nella pancetta accompagnato da patate arrosto e chutney di cipolla rossa
Filet de porc enroulé de bacon avec pomme de terre grillées et compotée d’oignons rouges
Lomo de cerdo envuelto en tocino acompañado de patatas asadas y chutney de cebolla morada

Beef ragout made with dark beer, mushroom and dark chocolate with bread dumpling
Barna sörben, gombával és étcsokoládéval készült marharagu kenyérgombóccal
Rindergulasch in Braunbierpilzesoße Zartbitterschokolade und hausgemachten Serviettenknödeln
Spezzatino di manzo a base di birra scura, funghi e cioccolato fondente servito con gnocchi di pane all’ungherese
Ragoût de bœuf à la bière brune, champignons et chocolat noir avec quenelles de pain moelleux
Estofado de ternera con champiñones, cerveza oscura y chocolate negro acompañado con bolas de pan al estilo húngaro

Hungarian vegan ratatouille
Vegán lecsó
Ungarisches Letscho (ungarisches veganes Ratatouille)
Peperonata in stile ungherese vegani
Ratatouille végétalienne hongroise
Pimientos guisados con tomate y cebolla estilo húngaro


(Desszert, Nachtisch, Dolce, Dessert, Postre)

White chocolate lemon-pistachio sponge cake
Fehércsokoládés-citromos pisztáciás piskóta
Weißer Schokoladen-Zitronen-Pistazien-Kuchen
Torta al cioccolato bianco, limone e pistacchio
VGâteau éponge au citron, pistache et chocolat blanc
Bizcocho de chocolate blance con limón y pistachos

Chili chocolate mousse with pecan nuts
Csilis csokoládé mousse pekándióval
Chili-Schokoladenmousse mit Pekannüssen
Mousse al cioccolato con peperoncino e noci pecan
Mousse au chocolat épicé avec noix de pécan
Mousse de chocolate con chile y nueces pecanos

Strawberry-basil chia pudding
Eper-bazsalikomos chia puding
Budino di chia con fragole e basilico
Pudding de chia à la fraise et au basilic
Pudin de chía con fresas y albahaca

The folk show includes 30-minute dance to imitate how professional Hungarian folk dancers will teach you to know some special steps. The original gypsy music is also an essential when you are having a traditional Hungarian night-out. Grade up your ticket by an unlimited drink package for 3 hours. Drink options are above. Enjoy booze & dinner cruise and salon live music due to talented operetta singers followed by folk gypsy music and dance show at the end of the Budapest river cruise.

Budapest is one of the most wonderful cities in the world. However, not only the Hungarians love their capital city! Budapest was chosen as the best European destination in 2019, reported the European Best Destination (EBD) tourist organization. More than half a million people voted between 15th January and 5th February, and 77% of the voices of Budapest came from foreign voters. This rate is great and also unique in the history of this price! American, German, French and Italien tourists love the city the best. Our city will leave you completely gobsmacked in a truly positive way.

During our cruise, you can enjoy the beauty of Budapest, too. Grade up your ticket again by sitting next to the window to be the first so closely gazing at all wonderful historical buildings of Budapest being lit up, such as the House of the Parliament, the St. Stephen’s Basilica or the Buda Castle. All these buildings have had an important role in the Hungarian history and culture. For an additional price, window tickets are available. We recommend you to flash a glance to the view during the romantic dinner because the sunset on the River Danube is an unmissable experience. After the sunset, the night lights of the city occur near the two banks of the river. It is a unique panorama! 

Many foreign people think that Hungarian music is magic. The music of the Hungarian culture is very rich in themes and tunes as well. It has several shades: it can be happy, sad, characteristic, energetic, colorful, or spectacular. You can enjoy the music of a violin, with a contrabass, and a cimbalom, and also the voice of a talented singer. Have you heard about cimbalom? This stringed instrument is commonly used in the folk music of Central-Eastern Europe. Its trapezoidal wooden body stands on four legs and has metal strings stretched across its table-like top. The modern version of it was introduced as an orchestral instrument by Franz Liszt in „Ungarischer Sturmmarsch”.

So Hungarian music is marvelous, but do not forget about dances! Improvisation has a significant role in our dances, so dancers have the freedom to express both the music and their emotions or mood. There are some characteristic types, such as circle dances, couple dances, or man’s solo dances; this latter type is famous worldwide. Other traditional types are also well-known. Lots of people know the dance where the women are carrying the wine bottle or the men are dancing with sticks.

And what about dresses? National uniform belongs to national dances, doesn’t it? Traditional Hungarian costumes are really spectacular. However, considering historical aspects, we should differentiate two main ages: older style is originated from the Middle Ages, and the new one appeared at the and of the 18th century.

Hungarian operetta is a unique genre, and it is worthy famous all over the world. It is a genre of light opera – light in terms both of music and subject matter. The genre of the operetta is impassioned, cheerful, and life-affirming. Almost everyone in Hungary knows the masterpieces of the most famous authors, such as Imre Kálmán or Ferenc Lehár. It is not surprising, because their music is really sweet-sounding and catchy. Who doesn’t know the Csárdáskirálynő (The Czardas Queen), Vígözvegy (The merry widow), or Marica grófnő (Countess Maritza)? ‘The merry widow’ became successful even on the stage of Broadway! Maybe fewer people know that the first Hungarian operetta was the Víg cimborák (Happy mates) by Károly Huber. Another early operetta, which one was inspired by a French piece, caused a great scandal in Budapest because there was cancan in it.

Due to the gifted folk dancers and operetta singers during one night, you will experience the Hungarian culture, getting our typical, rollicksome way of life. The singers’ wonderful voice, the gestures of the traditional Hungarian dance, and the colorful dresses will surely amaze you! And you have a chance to take part in this programme in an active way! After the breath-taking show with traditional folk clothes worn by presenters, with the help of dancers, you can also learn some folk dance steps so at the end you will get a piece of the Hungarian culture by our special Budapest river cruise. So you can take home not only the memories but also a new skill! Be the part of the Hungarian capital by night being lit up, let the atmosphere enchant you.

All kinds of our tickets could be purchased at Dock 11 personally, near Elizabeth Bridge, which is also the exact boarding place for shipping, or in case of booking online, you will always get some discounts. Last but not least as a surprise you could get your private sphere on board, booking own table only for you and guests, having an intimate atmosphere and privacy seated only together.

Believe us that our cruise is a once-in-a-lifetime adventure. It is a whole night dinner Budapest river cruise with entertainment and cultural habits, where you could admire the most significant places of interests of the city center getting an inside view of the Hungarian folklore and operetta world.

Do not miss this unique chance! Come to our Budapest dinner cruise, and also bring your partner, family, or friends. Present your loved ones with three unforgettable, delightful hours on our beautiful river, the Danube. Our Budapest Dinner Cruise with operetta and folklore show is available every day of the week! Book your tickets in advance via our website immediately!