7 course Dinner Cruise with Live Piano Show

From:  107

7-course menu & Glass of Welcome drink are waiting for guests who visit our Dinner Cruise. Our Romantic programme is optional for couples, families or friends who wish to spend a confidential night in the friendly area.

Dear Guests!

We kindly request that you do not bring your own food and drinks aboard the ship.

Rest assured, we offer catering services onboard to ensure your comfort and satisfaction throughout the journey.

What Our Guests Say:

Budapest river cruise in luxurious conditions on board along the Danube

Do you like magnificent piano music? Do you feel like enjoying being in Budapest, making your stay memorable and special? Would you like to try the feeling of moving smoothly on the waves of the River Danube? The one way to do it is trying an elegant and luxurious Budapest river cruise, which makes possible to be the part of the capital town of Hungary, gazing at the Danube, the unique breath-taking panorama. Join our cruises! We offer dinner cruises with several diverse extra programs, and they are excellent choices for every special occasion. We guarantee that your event will be unforgettable!

Danube dinner cruise, especially the piano battle show provides proper choice to observe an occasion like birthday, wedding anniversary, and remarkable events such as New Year’s cruise or Valentine’s Day cruise. Naturally, our cruise can be an excellent present itself, too. You know – things can be lost, go wrong, become unnecessary after a time, but memories live forever.

Ticket Includes

  • ~ 2,5 Hours budapest cruise
  • Candle-lit dinner
  • 7 Course menu
  • Live piano show
  • Private table
  • Window table (optional)
  • Welcome drink

Romantic Music on board


Type Boarding Start Price
4 Course Dinner 19:30 20:00 €91
7 Course Dinner 19:30 20:00 €107
Drink & Show 20:15 20:30 €45
Type Boarding Start Price
4 Course Dinner 19:30 20:00 €97
7 Course Dinner 19:30 20:00 €115
Drink & Show 20:15 20:30 €47

Budapest river cruise with tasty dinner and famed songs played by pianists.

More thousands of visitors have already experienced Danube dinner cruise, lasting for 2,5 hours, while admiring lights of the city shining on the river so the whole Danube is glossing.
Let us tell some words about the detailed program!




Vegan cranberry pecan cheese ball
Pekándiós-vörösáfonyás vegan golyó
Vegane Käseball mit Cranberries und Pekannüssen
Palla di formaggio vegano con mirtilli rossi e noci pecan
Boule de fromage végétalien aux canneberges et aux noix de pécan
Bola de queso vegano con arándanos y nueces pecanas


(Hideg előétel, Kalte Vorspeise, Entrée froide, Antipasto freddo, Aperitivo frío)

Tenderloin tartare with toast and fresh vegetables
Bélszín tatár pirítóssal és friss zöldségekkel
Rinderfilet-Tartar mit Toast und frischem Gemüse
Tartare di filetto con pane tostato e verdure fresche
Tartare de filet avec toast et légumes frais
Tartar de solomillo con tostada y verduras frescas


(Leves, Suppe, Minestra, Soupe, Sopa)

Veal rgout soup with potato dumplings from Nyírség
Nyírségi borjúraguleves burgonyagombóccal
Kalbsragoutsuppe mit Kartoffelknödel aus Nyírség
Zuppa di manzo con gnocchi di patate di Nyírség
Soupe au ragoût de veau avec des quenelles de pomme de terre de Nyirseg
Sopa de ternera con albóndigas de patatas de Nyírség

Seasonal soup
Szezonális leves
Saisonale Suppe
Zuppa di stagione
Soupe de saison
Sopa de temporada


(Meleg előétel, Warme Vorspeise, Entrée chaude, Antipasto caldo, Aperitivo caliente)

Vegetable patty with sweet potato - curry cream
Zöldséges fasírt édesburgonyával - curry krémmel
Gemüsebratling mit Süßkartoffel - Currycreme
Polpetta di verdure con crema di patate dolci al curry
Galette de légumes avec crème de patate douce au curry
Tortita de verduras con crema de batata y curry


(Főétel, Hauptgericht, Piatto principale, Plat principal, Plato principal)

Black sesame crusted salmon steak with chili-mint pea purée and pea fritter
Fekete szezámmagos lazac steak chili-mentás borsópürével és borsófasírttal
Lachssteak mit schwarzer Sesamkruste, Chili-Minz-Erbsenpüree und Erbsen-Frikadellen
Filetto di salmone in costra di sesamo nero, purea di piselli con un tocco di peperoncino e menta con frittelle di piselli
Steak de saumon en croûte de sesame noir acompagné de beignets de pois et d’une purée de petits pois au piment et à la menthe
Filete de salmón en costra de sésamo negro, acompañado de buñuelos de guisantes y puré de guisantes con un toque de chile y menta

Chicken breast fillet potato purée with smoked paprika and vegetable relish
Csirkemell filé burgonyapürével, füstölt paprikával és zöldséges salsa
Hähnchenbrust mit Selleriepüree, Semmelknödel mit Spinat und eingelegten roten Zwiebeln
Petto di pollo grigliato, servito con purea di sedano, gnocchi di pane all’ ungherese con spinaci e cipolla rossa sottaceto
Filet de poulet avec purée de céleri, quenelles de pain aux épinards et oignons rouge marinés
Pechuga de pollo a la plancha acompañado de un puré de apio, bolas de pan con espinacas y cebolla morada encurtida

Duck leg confit with gravy sauce and fried cabbage and noodles hidden in chimney cake ring
Ropogós kacsacomb kürtőskalácsba rejtett káposztás cvekedlivel és gravy szósszal
Knusprige Entenkeule mit Bratensoße und Krautnudeln in einem Baumstriezel
Coscia d'anatra confit accompagnata da chimney cake ripiena di pasta con cavolo al sugo
Cuisse de canard confite accompagnée d’un anneau de « kürtőskalács » spécialité hongroise, fourré avec des pâtes aux choux et une sauce brune
Muslo de pato confitado acompañado con anillo de chimney cake relleno de pasta con col y salsa gravy

Bacon-wrapped pork tenderloin with grilled potato and red onion chutney
Baconbe tekert sertésszűz grillezett burgonyával és vöröshagyma csatnival
Mit Bacon umwickeltes Schweinefilet mit gegrillten Kartoffeln und rotem Zwiebel-Chutney
Lombo di maiale avvolto nella pancetta accompagnato da patate arrosto e chutney di cipolla rossa
Filet de porc enroulé de bacon avec pomme de terre grillées et compotée d’oignons rouges
Lomo de cerdo envuelto en tocino acompañado de patatas asadas y chutney de cebolla morada

Beef ragout made with dark beer, mushroom and dark chocolate with bread dumpling
Barna sörben, gombával és étcsokoládéval készült marharagu kenyérgombóccal
Rindergulasch in Braunbierpilzesoße Zartbitterschokolade und hausgemachten Serviettenknödeln
Spezzatino di manzo a base di birra scura, funghi e cioccolato fondente servito con gnocchi di pane all’ungherese
Ragoût de bœuf à la bière brune, champignons et chocolat noir avec quenelles de pain moelleux
Estofado de ternera con champiñones, cerveza oscura y chocolate negro acompañado con bolas de pan al estilo húngaro

Hungarian vegan ratatouille
Vegán lecsó
Ungarisches Letscho (ungarisches veganes Ratatouille)
Peperonata in stile ungherese vegani
Ratatouille végétalienne hongroise
Pimientos guisados con tomate y cebolla estilo húngaro


(Desszert, Nachtisch, Dolce, Dessert, Postre)

White chocolate lemon-pistachio sponge cake
Fehércsokoládés-citromos pisztáciás piskóta
Weißer Schokoladen-Zitronen-Pistazien-Kuchen
Torta al cioccolato bianco, limone e pistacchio
VGâteau éponge au citron, pistache et chocolat blanc
Bizcocho de chocolate blance con limón y pistachos

Chili chocolate mousse with pecan nuts
Csilis csokoládé mousse pekándióval
Chili-Schokoladenmousse mit Pekannüssen
Mousse al cioccolato con peperoncino e noci pecan
Mousse au chocolat épicé avec noix de pécan
Mousse de chocolate con chile y nueces pecanos

Strawberry-basil chia pudding
Eper-bazsalikomos chia puding
Budino di chia con fragole e basilico
Pudding de chia à la fraise et au basilic
Pudin de chía con fresas y albahaca


(Sajfogás, Käsegang, Assaggio di formaggi, Plateau de fromages, Tabla de quesos)

Artisan cheese plate
Kézműves sajtválogatás
Piatto di formaggi artigianali
Assiette de fromages artisanaux
Tabla de quesos artesanales

Besides the delicious dinner, we provide also a magnificent music performance, such as folklore hungarian and gypsy music, which will make your night even more exclusive. This is the piano battle show. Performance and well-known songs are sometimes moody but also entertaining offered by two talented musicians, taking care of romantic feeling. The two talented pianists’ concert will be an eternal memory! You can listen to a wide range of classic and modern melodies while these two artists are playing for a pretty lady’s favour - who is, by the way, the master of ceremony.

The Champions will amuse you with both romantic and playful melodies. The “Fight of the Pianists” is a special music program, which is sometimes humorous and sometimes emotional, and which guarantees the ideal entertainment for our guests. The piano music is accompanied by a fantastic, charming vocalist, who helps understand the story which the music tells. Do not miss this experience; it will be a fabulous journey to the empire of music. Do you miss your favourite song? No problem! You can ask for extra songs from our artists. Don't forget, this evening is for you!


Meanwhile being amused by candlelit Budapest river cruise, professional waiters are serving the desired chosen 7-course dishes during the fantastic night, being absolutely impressed by sunset and gorgeous lights of the city. Our dinner includes premium delicious meals: it contains appetizer, soup, main course, and dessert. For instance, we recommend a light salad as a starter.

Then you have the possibility to choose the desired soup from goulash or potato cream, and the main dish consists of duck, fish, beef or vegetarian options. At the end of the meal, you can choose a light fruit salad or some sweet cake. However, we don’t forget about our guests with some kind of food intolerance, as well. And what about drinks? You are right; a program cannot be perfect without high-quality drinks. You have two opportunities: you can either buy a drink package (unlimited drink of your choice) or you can pick something from the drink menu.

Our wonderful capital city, the amazing night lights of the fascinating Budapest, the delightful tunes, the delicious dishes, and the professional, guest-centric staff will make this night unforgettable! Be the part of a dinner cruise Budapest in perfect harmony, if you are looking for romantic fine dining with a piano live show. It is surely more than dining in a simple restaurant. Nothing has the capability to offer 2,5-hour shipping, taking scenery of the river Danube, watching piano battle show, making the special night unforgettable spent together.

There is a nice old Hungarian song which shows the feeling of this night very well; in literal translation, it says: “Budapest is the world for us. Many bridges which the Danube hug! Above us the moon in the sky, all the shops are rich and wizard. All around sweet sparking lights! Budapest, Budapest, you bright.” Our tour starts from the Elisabeth Bridge and while crossing the path of the Parliament reaches the Margareth Bridge, where we turn our way back, to reach the other main ending point of the illuminated city centre after crossing the path of the Budapest Castle Hill. At Lágymányosi Bridge we turn again and make our way back to have another round. This way of floating on the river allows you to admire all the famous places of Budapest while you will be able to pay attention deeply for the details since you don’t have to jump from one side window to the other one.

You have the opportunity to observe the architecture of Budapest, especially the Bridges, because you will see the 6 main bridges they connect Buda and Pest and will float underneath 4 of them while enjoying the live piano concert we offer for you. However, you can also admire some famous buildings on the riverside. It is worth to gaze the impressive and floodlit buildings such as the House of the Parliament, the St. Stephen’s Basilica or the Castle. They all have an important role in Hungarian history and culture.

Let us tell some words about tickets. You can buy adults tickets with or without a drink package. You can also bring your children (5-10 years old), you can buy their ticket for them at a reduced price.

Budapest cruise, music and dinner – this trio guarantees that you will remember not only the luxurious milieu and the professional service. Do not miss this special adventure! Many thousand smiling, satisfied customers have left our ship – join them! We are waiting for you!